The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. – Helen Keller

Most would agree that this photo is beautiful. But what emotion does it touch? Is it freedom? Is it the endless possibilities? How does it touch your heart?

Most would agree that this photo is beautiful. But what emotion does it touch? Is it freedom? Is it the endless possibilities? How does it touch your heart?

What does that mean?
This quote begins by saying “the best and most beautiful things…” But what are the most beautiful things? That will be different for each person. Many will list objects as being on their ‘most beautiful list.’

Yet the next section of the quote implies that the best things aren’t actually things. They are unseeable and untouchable. With objects eliminated, we are left with ideals and emotions.

And I imagine that the people who mentioned objects are actually describing things which represent ideals or fill them with certain emotions. At least that is the way it was for me and the people with whom I spoke.

The quote ends by reminding us that these best things come from within, or are felt with by, the heart. Again, that keeps us away from the substantial and moves us to the things which bring out the feelings of beauty and awe from within us.

Why is feeling the beauty important?  
In my opinion, far too many people say “Oh that is beautiful!” far too often. It’s almost automatic. You see someone in a new outfit, and it is said. There is a sunset (or sunrise) with some color on the clouds, and it gets said.

But the point of the quote is to actually feel the beauty. To allow the beauty to merge with you. To allow the beauty to reach deep within you and really make a difference in how you see something, or how you hear it.

It is the difference between hearing a song you like, and hearing one that takes your breath away. It’s the difference between seeing something scrawled by a toddler, and something scrawled by your toddler.

Again, it isn’t the song which is beautiful, it is the emotion, the feeling within. It isn’t the drawing which is beautiful, it is the emotion and the feeling you have within you.

Where can I apply this in my life?
As this is a quote about observation, we have to first actually notice what is going on, and then actually feel it deep within us. Then the beauty truly becomes apparent to us. That starts with actually noticing what is going on around us.

Think of all the times you’ve used phrases along the lines of “That’s the best…” or “That’s beautiful…” but not really felt anything. These are the opportunities to put this quote into action. Take a moment. Drink in what you see or hear, and actually see if it moves you.

Yes, there are times when we say things which might be considered a little white lies, or social niceties. However, it is my presumption that you will find that there are times when something actually gets you. To me, that is a good thing, when something becomes beautiful within you.

I hope we don’t let the hurry and worry of modern life blind or deafen us to the best and most beautiful things in our world. It’s the old “take time to smell the roses” kind of thing. There is so much beauty in our lives which gets overlooked. consider the following as examples.

What about the times you see or hear one thing, but feel another? For some, the image of their flag or national anthem stirs their best emotions. That’s something that while heard or seen, is the best and most beautiful thing because of the feelings of loyalty, honor, or privilege deep within their heart.

What about the times you see someone you love, or hear their voice? That lets out a series of feelings which are the best and most beautiful things you can imagine. Whether they are near, far, or gone, they are not forgotten, and live always inside. Not because of the picture, but because they are still felt in your heart.

There are many more examples which could be explored. The question is what will we do? Will we continue to live our lives, missing so much of the best and most beautiful things, or will we take a little time to drink in each opportunity? Can you guess which path I intend to take?

Next time, before you say something is the best, or is beautiful, take a moment to feel the greatness or the beauty. Allow it to sink in, and move you. Feel it with your heart.

Are you smiling and thinking of a time when you truly were immersed in that feeling? I am. And I hope you are as well, for I believe this feeling is the point of this quote.

From: Twitter, @quotes_on_love
confirmed at :
Photo by Nathan Siemers

About philosiblog

I am a thinker, who is spending some time examining those short twitter quotes in greater detail on my blog.
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